Nagi Kurashiki Hotel and Lounge
Welcome to Kurashiki! I want to share the wonderful experiences here. A comfortable stay at Nagi Kurashiki Hotel and Lounge was a highlight of my trip to Kurashiki. The elegant atmosphere of Nagi Kurashiki Hotel and Lounge made my trip to Kurashiki more memorable. The comfortable bed at Nagi Kurashiki Hotel and Lounge was the best way to relieve fatigue in Kurashiki. This trip to Kurashiki created truly unforgettable memories, especially the time spent at Nagi Kurashiki Hotel and Lounge.
Rating: 4.0
City: Kurashiki (Japan)
Number of Rooms: 8
Number of Floors: 3
rating_average: 9.5
Number of Reviews: 45
Brief Description: